How Do You Feel About Dining Alone? We Want to Hear.
The idea of eating alone divides American diners. Some swear by it, while others avoid it at all costs. I want to better understand Americans’ relationship with dining out by themselves.
I’m Priya Krishna, a food reporter and interim restaurant critic for The Times. I want to hear your thoughts about dining alone: Do you feel uncomfortable eating by yourself? Do you revel in the alone time? There are no wrong opinions here! I also want to understand how well accommodated you feel as a solo diner, including whether restaurants let you make a reservation for one and what happens when you walk in and ask for a table.
I’ll read every response to this questionnaire and contact you if I want to learn more. I won’t publish your response, but it will be a starting point for an initial conversation. And I won’t share your contact information outside the Times newsroom, or use it for any reason other than to reach you.