Krug Park concepts revealed with June 1 start date announced
ST. JOSEPH, Mo. (News-Press NOW) — Design-builders unveiled a much-anticipated preview of the upcoming renaissance for Krug Park set to kick off on June 1.
Representatives with Ellison-Auxier Architects, West 8 and E.L. Crawford Construction provided city leaders with design renderings and a timeline of planned phases of construction. The entire project is estimated to be complete in 2027.
A city work session on Monday focused on phases 1 through 3 planned for this year to renovate the bowl/amphitheater (June), castle and children’s circus area (September) and pavilion/buffalo boulevard (August), all of which will be complete in 2026.
“I am certainly encouraged. The work that Crawford and West 8 and Ellison-Auxier have put together is incredible,” Councilmember Madison Davis said. “It is the continuing discussion that we’ve had as far as trying to make Krug Park the family-friendly featured attraction.”
Krug Park phases of construction
This design shows the planned phases of construction for the Krug Park renovation project, an estimated $12 to $13 million project.
Signs will be strategically placed throughout the park to inform visitors when certain areas will be closed as construction rolls along. The park will remain open throughout the $12.7 million project, including fishing at the lagoon and Holiday Park.
“There may be areas affected but we’ll still have holiday park,” newly appointed Parks Director Jeff Atkins said.
Transformation of the amphitheater/bowl area will include demolishing the existing stage and structure, sidewalks and utilities, as well as foundations for a new 24-by-56-foot concession stand to serve visitors during events.
New bowl area designs Krug Park
This design rendering shows how the new bowl/amphitheater area will look after renovations. The bowl is designed as a community event space and season concert venue.
Widespread changes will create a new “Green Amphitheater” that better connects with the lagoon. The area will allow for a variety of community events and seasonal concerts that can accommodate upwards of 1,000 people.
Many of the park’s new features will harken back to the old days of the historic park, a result of considerable community feedback, including new glider swings and large slides in the new Buffalo Bowl Adventure Playground in Phase 3.
buffalo bowl.JPG
This design rendering shows ideas for inspiration for the new slides at the Buffalo Bowl Adventure Playground at Krug Park.
“That’s really an area that has not been utilized for a long time,” Ellison Auxier’s principal architect, Jeremy Proctor, said. “All the slides will be there that everybody is asking about, new pavilions.”
The meeting was also an opportunity for city officials to make necessary recommendations before work commences. Mayor John Josendale requested that roadway repair costs be factored into the project’s scope of work.
Other suggestions focused on ways to prevent vandalism and ensure long-term security for new park structures like a maintenance facility as part of phase 1.
“It certainly is a huge project. There’s a lot of different pieces involved, from road work to utilities to restrooms to just some of the basics like lighting and this meeting today allowed us to continue that conversation,” Davis said.
Once phase 2 is complete in November 2026, the castle and children’s circus area will become the Garden Theater and Concessionaire’s Castle, complete with a dining terrace and kitchen on the first floor, as well as new family restrooms.
The Garden Theater will become Krug Park’s primary entertainment venue.
Castle Interior designs
This design rendering shows how the inside of the new Concessionaire’s Castle will look once renovated. The upper tunnel, Garden Theater and Castle are included in Phase 2 of the project.
Garden Theater and Castle Krug Park
This design rendering shows the new Garden Theater — the current children’s circus area — and revamped “Concessionaire’s” Castle. The upper tunnel, Garden Theater and Castle are included in Phase 2 of the project.
Design-builders are roughly 50% complete on concepts and sought city and community feedback before proceeding with the remaining design work.
Phase 4 of the project, which is slated to begin in September, includes upgrading the park’s entryway with a new walking path and improved connections to the Parkway.
“St. Joe Avenue has a nice walkway so we wanted to incorporate that and also put in a monument sign,” Proctor said of Phase 4.
A full presentation of design renderings can be viewed on the City of St. Joseph’s Facebook page.