Here Are The Top PHP Frameworks The Pros Use for Web Development
3- CodeIgniter
For medium-sized applications, CodeIgniter is a simple and fast solution still in 2025. Even if I compare Laravel vs CodeIgniter I would recommend CodeIgniter for new developers due to its user-friendly documentation and minimalist approach. In contrast to Laravel, it avoids the need for a command line interface making it suitable for lightweight applications.
For instance, to design a controller in CodeIgniter I may use this approach:
4- Yii2
The fast speed and high performance of Yii2 make it one of the most efficient PHP MVC frameworks in 2025. Mostly APIs and large web applications that require performance optimization opt for Yii2.
For setting up routes in Yii2 this given command is used:
‘urlManager’ => [
‘enablePrettyUrl’ => true
‘ShowScriptName’ => false,
‘rules’ => [
‘greet/’ => ‘site/greet’
Moreover, this PHP framework is an ideal choice for performance-intensive web applications as it supports caching.
5- Zend
Now known as Laminas, the Zend framework is mostly useful for applications requiring extensive customization. Also, suitable for designing enterprise-level scalable web applications and adding only those components that are required. It also backs integrations with multiple databases and third-party applications.
In Zend, for designing a controller I use this way:
params()->fromRoute(‘name’, ‘Guest’);
return new ViewModel([‘name’ => $name});
6- Phalcon
This one was built as a C extension, making it one of the incredibly fast PHP web frameworks. Web developers select Phalcon when they do not want to compromise on advanced features for performance optimization.
For setting up routes in this framework this command can be adopted:
$router = di->getRouter();
$router->add(‘/greet/{name}’, [
‘controller’ => ‘greeting’,
‘action’ => ‘greet’,
This framework also observes MVC patterns and includes query builder and ORM making database interactions easier.
7- Slim
The Slim framework is a go-to option for building microservices and simple API. It is a minimalistic yet powerful framework to create RESTful APIs. Let’s see how a Basic route in the Slim framework can be established:
require ‘vendor/ autoload.php’;
$app= new\slim\app;
$app->get (‘/greet/ {name}’ , function ($request, $response, $args) {
Return $response - > getbody () - > write (Hello, ‘ . $args [ ‘name’]);
This framework also offers a flexible middleware system to modify requests and respond to the object.
8- FuelPHP
This one is a full-stack PHP framework and follows the Hierarchal Model View Controller design pattern. The FuelPHP framework with its built-in authentication features is suitable for highly customizable web projects.
For example:
Controller in FuelPHP can be created this way:
9- Lumen
The creators of Laravel have also designed another PHP framework called Lumen. It mostly utilizes the same components as Laravel but it’s comparatively lightweight and best for designing high performance APIs and microservices.
Set up and define routes in Lumen in the routes/ web.php file just like the given example:
$router->get(‘/greet/{name)’,function $name) {
return “Hello, $name!”;
10- CakePHP
Another top PHP framework is the CakePHP focusing on convention over configuration for web development tasks. It offers a set of built-in dynamic tools suitable for fast paced web development projects.
To define a route in CakePHP I prefer this command:
Router::connect(‘/greet/*,array (‘controller’=>'greetings’, ‘action ‘= > ‘greet’ ));
If I need to design a controller, I mostly use this command in CakePHP:
$router->get(‘/greet/{name}’, function ($name) {
return “Hello, $name!”;
For your web development projects selection of the best PHP framework is crucial. It’s important to keep requirements, complexity, timeline, and future growth, and project size in mind as well. The top PHP frameworks discussed above in the blog be it Laravel, Symfony, Phalcon, CodeIgniter or others are suitable for different web projects depending upon the needs. The right framework assists in achieving better security, fast development, and enhanced user experience no matter what.