Pinterest jumps on Guggenheim upgrade to Buy from Neutral
00:00 Speaker A
We got to check in on Pinterest. How is your Pinterest board looking? Getting an upgrade to buy from neutral, like Guggenheim, the analyst says, they expect monetization of the user base to grow at above market rates from 2025 to 2027 fueled by growth volume and AI ad improvements. Now the firm also says the recent decline in share price is a good buying opportunity. Shares are up by about 5% right now.
00:23 Speaker B
I mean this is fascinating. They obviously talk about the fact that the company’s valuation is attractive right now. There’s been a huge leave from the stock. We’ve seen a lot of selling. Uh and they know a lot of potential growth catalysts here, right? They say the company is at record highs on engagement per user. Gen Z is 40% of platform usage on Pinterest. I find that fascinating. I think it’s part of this shift of Pinterest being kind of the new storefront for shoppers online when you’re not shopping in stores. Where do you go to get insight into the fashion trends and what clothes you might want to buy and what other kinds of products you might want to buy? You’re going to Pinterest. Uh they also talk about how because of that they’re seeing a lot of opportunity when it comes to ad market revenue here, performance based advertiser exposure accounting for two thirds of their revenue. That puts them at an advantage compared to some other competitors in the space here and they also just lastly talk about, of course, some of the AI tools that will be at their disposal both for ad performance and also on platform as well.
01:44 Speaker A
My dad made fun of one of my Pinterest boards one time and I I haven’t returned.
01:48 Speaker B
You showed your dad your Pinterest board?
01:50 Speaker A
I showed him one time and uh.
01:52 Speaker B
What was it?
01:53 Speaker A
Oh, it was No.
01:54 Speaker B
Was it basketball?
01:55 Speaker A
It was all of the shipping container homes. Just a compilation of shipping container homes. I don’t know why I was so into it. Still kind of am. But it was remarkable what they could do. Uh.
02:08 Speaker B
Parents, remember, express interest. That was an emotional call at the time.
02:15 Speaker A
Yes. It was. It was. Thanks. Thanks Dad.
02:21 Speaker B