Trump technocracy: How stablecoins, XRP could become de facto central bank digital currencies
Donald Trump has officially banned the creation of a U.S. central bank digital currency (CBDC), but upon close examination, critics like gold expert Tony Arterburn think this may be just for show. As Musk-ian technocracy takes hold of governments worldwide with financial surveillance, the real threat could stem from digital assets and stablecoin favorites like XRP, USDT, and USDC.
Gold expert and former politician Tony Arterburn says that the “PayPal mafia and Peter Thiel and Elon Musk … are technocrats, and they certainly believe in a digitized currency system and more centralized systems in general.”
In a recent interview on The Free Thought Project Podcast, the U.S. Army veteran and precious metals specialist said he doesn’t want to rain on people’s parade, but “you may not have something called CBDC, but it may be on the backs of stable coins or something else.”
Musk’s ties to technocracy and social credit, Trump’s false promises
Investopedia defines “technocracy” as a model of governance where “individuals selected to a leadership role are chosen through a process that emphasizes their relevant skills … as opposed to whether or not they fit the majority interests of a popular vote.”
Of course, it’s clear that such a system would create problems and encourage elitist favoritism in governing the rest of the world by force, regardless of people’s actual skills or intentions. But that seems to be exactly where Musk and Trump are steering things. See the recent open promotion by the president of Tesla cars, for example.
This really should not be surprising given Trump’s love of bowing down to globalist agendas such as the violent clearing out of Gaza with bombs to create new real estate for his Israeli pals or Musk’s family lineage, which ties him directly to Joshua N. Haldeman (his maternal grandfather) who backed Canada’s Technocracy movement and was a leader of the Social Credit Party in the same country, before emigrating to South Africa.
While Donald Trump’s executive order banning CBDCs in America was indeed well received by his supporters, the actual text of the document reveals some disturbing things for true believers in crypto and permissionless, peer-to-peer transactions. The document, titled “Strengthening American Leadership in Digital Financial Technology,” promises to bolster USD dominance “through actions to promote the development and growth of lawful and legitimate dollar-backed stablecoins worldwide.”

As Arterburn states on the podcast: “I was there in Nashville at the Bitcoin conference when Trump spoke. So, this is something that’s been going on for a while. But they also mentioned other coins, and I thought, that’s it … They even mentioned Cardano, XRP, Ethereum, and other things, and I go, what’s interesting?”
The gold expert noted that, unlike bitcoin, some of the aforementioned assets “have functions, but they’re with a company. They all track back to a board of directors or venture capital. You can see who they are.”
In effect, Trump’s U.S. Digital Asset Stockpile features assets created by private companies, with the private financial giants thus possibly becoming state institutions by default, in a kind of modern, techno-fascism. The boards of directors, like Musk, would be unelected rulers. Self-appointed rulers creating mockeries like “D.O.G.E” and controlling people’s money without their consent, shaping political policy. Zooming out to a global view, this is already happening.
Adoption of XRP, stablecoins soars, CBDC nightmare inches closer
On the morning of March 25, Genki Oda, Japan Virtual and Crypto Assets Exchange Association (JVCEA) representative director and SBI bigwig, posted a picture taken at Kanda Shrine in Tokyo to Musk’s social media platform, X. “I came to Kanda Shrine to pray with Jeremy and the Circle team for the success of our joint venture,” he noted (translated) in the caption. The Jeremy he is referring to is Jeremy Allaire of Circle. The new venture refers to the Japanese government’s approval of the USDC stablecoin and its official launch on the SBI VC Trade platform.
Recent reports show that the adoption of stablecoins as a whole has been on a marked rise over the last year. When it comes to Tether, the leading U.S.-dollar-pegged stablecoin by market cap ($143.7B), many governments globally seem to champion its use, though it has faced some regulatory hurdles. In open service of government agencies, the company behind USDT actively censors, addresses, and freezes the assets of users in compliance with legal enforcers like the U.S. Department of Justice. For example, Cryptopolitan reported on March 6 that Tether froze $27 million in USDT on the Russian crypto exchange Garantex.
This is right in line with how a CBDC would operate, becoming unusable once an account or address has been marked as “illegal” or non-compliant. As BIS (Bank of International Settlements) General Manager Augustín Carstens has said:
“We don’t know who’s using a $100 bill today and we don’t know who’s using a 1,000 peso bill today. The key difference with the CBDC is the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that.”
While some may see this as a good thing for law and order, those who see clearly know that the whole value proposition of Bitcoin and crypto was to take control of money out of the hands of sociopathic and violent state actors and to let peaceful, voluntary transactions and social order prevail. This is in direct opposition to Musk — who has received billions from the state for his ventures — and his overtures to a “Novus Ordo Seclorum,” or “new order of the ages” / “new world order.”
Circling back to Japan, where WEF-friend Oda and Allaire are praying to Shintō gods for success, the technocratic surveillance is only increasing. In fact, one Nikkei Fintech journalist says Japan may have a CBDC by 2030, following Europe’s lead. XRP supporters are hoping their favorite asset will be chosen for the role. Yoshitaka Kitao, massive Trump and Musk supporter and CEO of SBI Holdings in Japan, has previously noted that “We are the largest external shareholder of Ripple Labs, a US company that develops a next-generation remittance system using blockchain technology.”
Arterburn warns lovers of freedom and sound money must be vigilant:
“The establishment, the controllers, they want a CBDC. Davos wants a CBDC. World Economic Forum, the UN, they want Central Bank digital currency, the Bank of International Settlements. They all want CBDC. And that’s why none of that’s off the table. It just may come in a different form.”